December 7, 2011


a savior for starbucks/club addicts everywhere :)

I was recently turned on to the website Jingit by a couple friends of mine who are known for their frugality.

I completely recommend this website. It is a website where you log in with facebook, and then get paid to watch the ads they provide for you. The website is designed very well so you can't click away without the ad pausing (I have tried many ways to cheat it and it's not possible). Also, many websites have investigated it and have determined it is not a scam, they even provide pictures of transfers and purchases with the Jingit Debit Card.

Once you have earned 2 dollars, you can send for a Jingit limited, smart fee (aka no fee unless you cancel it (10 dollars) or don't buy anything with it or load it for 3 months (10 dollars)) debit card through US Bank (so you have to provide your SSN as per US banking laws) that you can never overdraft, and it does not affect your credit. Again, you can look up articles that test its legitimacy.

You start with a weekly earn limit of 5 dollars, but each person you refer will increase your limit by 25 cents up to 10 dollars a week :D.

Not Too Shabby if you ask me :D I have been doing it for a week, waiting for my debit card, and have almost ten dollars in my account.

Also, if you want to use your card on amazon, amazon allows you to purchase any size debit card you want (as in it can be any odd amount with odd change) and then you can send it to yourself and add it to your account. Also, it comes in handy for going out money or starbuxxx money. If you really want to you could save up for a while and afford some big things as well :D

Sign up here: Jingit 

Song of the week stuck in my head: "Make Me Wanna Die" by: The Pretty Reckless

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

November 15, 2011


amazing site!

Stumbleupon is a great site where you literally stumble around the internet to see random things of interest to you.

This site helps when you are bored or just wanting to procrastinate doing homework. Hours of enjoyment can be had.

All you have to do is go to this link and join Stumbleupon. After, just put in your interests and hit the stumble button and you are ready for hours of enjoyment!
ps. if you have junk emails it takes two seconds to register and I can get ten dollars per 5 referrals :) so go for it and help a poor college student out! <33

Favorite thing I have found on Stumbleupon: Cat Riding a Turtle


Song stuck in my head today: "Up N' Down" - Britney Spears

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

November 1, 2011


are a BIG deal :)

I'm Baaackkk   Didja miss me?

This is a call to action of my many blog readers :)

Go to this page

Like this picture

Help my sister win a store credit towards other stuff for her wedding. This would help out a large deal if she won this so LETS GET THE BALL ROLLING LOVELIES!! :D

ps. I hope one day I can ba made as happy as my sister is, and get married to the person who makes me that happy. However, I don't know when that will happen seeing as how Marriage Equality does not exist throughout our nation.

Doesn't mean the people who do get to marry shouldn't get to celebrate! Everyone deserves love! <3

Oh... and Kim... if you only got married for the ratings and money, you are a disgrace to the nation. If you didn't get married solely for those reasons and were really in love, please realize how many people do not enjoy your rights you gained for the short period you were married. Some of us can's get those basic rights. Donate the money you made to a good cause? <3 

Song stuck in my head today: "Penguin" by: Christina Perri

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 17, 2011



are stupid.

nuff said

no more posts till around halloween

sorry lovelies

go read my old ones for fun <3

October 16, 2011

REPO! The Genetic Opera

REPO! The Genetic Opera
yes the exclamation point is SUPPOSED to be there :)

New(er) Cult Classic

This is a horror musical that everyone should see! :D The songs are great, even though not all the voices are amazing. The acting is very good, including the part of Amber Sweet played by Paris Hilton. If this movie hadn't been good i wouldn't have gained respect for Paris. Amber is actually one of my favorite characters. Her and Pavi are my favorites. Pavi is a perverted sibling of Amber and Luigi.

The movie is about the future and the world is in ruins. Everyone is addicted to surgery, and having the best organs possible. An organ supplier practically runs the world because they give organs to people on account. When the people can't pay back they send out a Repo Man to repossess the organs from the living person's body.

It is twisted and bloody, but still very good and entertaining. The songs are pretty catchy as well which is never a bad thing with musicals :)

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

The Nose

The Nose...
ya I'm gonna try to tie this into pop culture... yay for inspiration from a friend's 21st!

I was told last night that I have a very cute nose.

This compliment was awesome as no one ever really notices peoples' noses.

I would like to say thank you to all the nose noticers out there! :)  You prevent the costly expense of nose jobs that I believe nobody really needs in order to "be pretty."

This is where I tie in to pop culture and how a lot of people seem to dislike their nose if anyone ever brings it up. In all reality it is not really a point of interest for most people and they won't even notice your nose unless you bring it up yourself.

I personally don't like nose jobs. It seems like a lot of money to spend on something very miniscule. I do believe that its ok to get your nose back to normal if its been broken or something, but not strictly just because you think your nose is too big or too pointy or anything like that.

That was just my little rant :)   Compliment people's noses more often, you will save them a lot of money :D

Song stuck in my head: "You Smell So Good" by: Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocketship

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 15, 2011

Just Dance

Just Dance...
so much fun!!!

Don't you ever just wanna dance?!

Just dance is an amazing game just for that. Yes, the reading of the moves can get frustrating, and yes it wears you out, but it is sooo worth it!!

This game can be used to host just dance parties, which I have had 3 of. If you can get people to actually play with you, it is sooo much fun laughing and dancing and playing and competing. Just dance even has 2 challenge modes other than regular!!

One of the modes, strike a pose, freezes the people playing at random times in the game and if you even barely move, you lose a ton of points so you really have to FREEZE. This mode also looks really cool to outsiders, because it freezes you and starts you so it looks all planned out.

Another mode this game has is last one standing. We don't like this mode much because people tend to get out too fast if they are not used to the game, because you get a certain amount of misses until you are out. And with the Wii having issues reading moves sometimes, it can be very frustrating.

This review is only of the first game. I am saving up to get the others, and I am also saving to get an xbox 360 w/ a Kinnect so I can play Dance Central which is an AMAZING GAME. Also Recommended.

Song stuck in my head today: "Ring My Bell" by: Anita Ward

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 14, 2011

The Office

The Office...
awkwardly awesome

I feel like everyone has experienced this show at some point so I shouldn't even really be reviewing it.

I would just like to day, I know a lot of people hated this show when they first saw it, but give it a chance. The Office has its own form of humor compared to other shows currently on.

I used to hate this show the first few times I saw it, but recently one of my roommates got the first season on DVD and we have been watching it a lot lately. I must say I have become a lover of this show. Its awkward humor seems to be very entertaining. If you don't catch some of the stuff, it just makes the future watching experiences all the better.

the characters can become very lovable. It is kind of weird for me seeing Dwight in this show because the actor was a creepy intern in Six Feet Under for a few episodes.

Keeping it short, used to hate it, gave it a chance finally, love it and its awkward smart humor :)

Song stuck in my head today: The Theme from the Office... lol ya that's right :)

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

So You Think You Can Dance

So You Think You Can Dance (tour) 2011...
best one of the tours so far I think :)

This is my third year in a row attending the So You Think You Can Dance Tour, and I think this may be the best one yet!

There were none of the skits they used to have, and the entire show was continuous run of dances! I did kind of miss the skits, but getting to see more of the dances from the season was sooo worth it!

I recommend going to see this tour if you like dance at all. There are many different types of dance addressed, and these people REALLY know their stuff on dance.

The tour is usually just the top 10 dancers form the most recent season. This tour, they had my all time favorite guy this past season on there even though he got kicked off early on in the show. Nick Rules!! and is an amazing tap dancer!

The solos were all really amazing, and they all showed why they made it as far as they did on the show. You could also tell how much fun they were all having while performing,which makes the show just that much better.

Check it Out! :)

and watch the next season when it comes on TV this summer (look for my review once it starts, it is the only reality competition show I actually keep up on).

Awesome work out DVD's they sell :) :

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 13, 2011


The best damn (overpriced) tea ever.

Every time I go to a mall with a Teavana, it is one of my top priorities to stop in and try all of their 6 samples they always have. Their tea is some of the best tea I have ever had. I have become kind of a tea junkie lately thank to a little help from my friends.

The bad thing about Teavana is how overpriced all of their teas are. I used to say it was because it is the best quality ever, but I have come to find some cheaper alternatives that are just as good. (except the Samurai Chai tea is still the best chai tea I have ever had)

United Noodle, and the local Co-Op here have just as good quality of teas, but they are much cheaper. You can get a little baggie of tea for only 80 cents at United noodle, and it is soooo goood.

Teavana is awesome, if you can afford it. If not, check out local oriental markets or organic food stores for some other good options that taste very good as well.

ps. Loose Leaf tea is sooo much better than buying tea bags :)

If you find any good teas, or shops to get awesome tea for cheap, tell me in the comments below. I am always looking for new tea experiences :)

Song currently stuck in my head: "F*ckdup" by: Ultraviolet Sound

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 12, 2011

The Human Centipede

The Human Centipede...

I feel like this movie is a right of passage for every person. You should see it at least once in your lifetime, but never again after that.

I will not ruin what the actual centipede is, but it is the grossest thing you will ever experience in your life. This movie is medically correct. Watching it even makes me feel nauseous and I don't get nauseous from movies...ever.

It is on netflix streaming, or I'm sure you can find it online somewhere for free. Go Watch It.. and dont blame me with your reaction...

The Human Centipede 2 just got limited release into US theaters on October 7th. I have not see it yet, and I don't really want to. But I guess I am a glutton for punishment because as Perez Hilton says, of course we are curious and want to see it, even though it is beyond perverted and disgusting.

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 11, 2011

District 78

District 78...

If you love dubstep, epic music, or both, you should check out District 78.

They make music for productions, such as So You Think You Can Dance and America's Best Dance Crew.

I first herd them on SYTYCD, and immediately went searching for the song "Game On" but I could not find just the audio file anywhere. This past summer they released their debut CD, "Radios At Reception," which is an amazing CD. Highlights are "Wanna Get Hype" and the symphonic mix of "Game On."

Do not be fooled, all their music is original and veryyyy good. They surpass a lot of individual DJ's I've heard.

Check Them Out: District 78

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

The A-List: New York

The A-List...
Definitely a list I'd want to be on!

I am addicted to this show. Probably because i get easily addicted to shows such as the Real Housewives of the OC. The tagline for this show is "real housewives...with balls."

The premise of the show is a bunch of gay guys who live in New York. They are all trying to make it (or have made it) and this show follows the drama of their lives. I don't want to give away too many events by talking about it, but seriously this show is such good quality entertainment.

This show makes for awesome television because all the guys can be very relatable. They are all very different from each other which is refreshing, because some of the housewives shows have basically a cast of all the same kind of people.

The Cast:
Austin Armacost
Richan Lehmkuhl
Ryan Nickulas (my favorite! :D)
Derek Lloyd Saathoff
Rodiney Santiago (watch for the hilarious subtitles)
Mike Ruiz

Season 2 just got over, and The A-List: Dallas just started Monday nights on Logo. I will review Dallas later.

Watch this show! It is soooo good and addicting! The second season is wayy better than the first because they kind of decided on what direction they were going to go in with the show. The second season is much less cheesy than the first was.

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 10, 2011

New Girl

New Girl...
Zooey Deschanel nuff said

This show is literally my favorite of all the new shows this fall. It blasts them all out of the water. It is hilarious and what good shows are made of. Zooey proves herself as one of the best comedic up and coming actresses there is.

The show centers around a very awkward girl who goes through a bad breakup and ends up rooming with three "bros" in an apartment.

This show thrives on its awkward moment sense of humor. If you love awkward situations you NEED to see this show. A lot of the jokes are like she says something.. the people in my house watching are silent... then we all crack up like omg she JUST SAID THAT.

Definitely my number one new fall show.

If you like 2 Broke Girls, this is even funnier. I promise you that you will LOVE this show. A must see of the new season.

Without Zooey though, this show would fail. She deserves some super awesome recognition for her amazing job at this show. I look forward to it every week.

Tuesdays 9/8c on FOX

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National Coming Out Week...
is a very important week to me :)

October 11th is National Coming Out Day. Change your profile pics and such to show your pride and to tell others who may be afraid that it is ok to be who you are.

My school is doing many events through one of our LGBT clubs. We have a couple events each day. Check out your schools to see what events may be oing on around you. This is a great time to meet new people and celebrate being yourself.

Allies are included! They are a huge part of this week because they are the support for the people who may be having trouble. Show your support, lives depend on its.

This week we remember all the gay suicides and deaths because of bullying. This is why it is an important week to show that it is OK. It does get better!

What are YOU doing for NCOW?


Songs currently stuck in my head: "Who You Are" by: Jessie J, "Queen" by: Lady Gaga, "True Colors" by: Cyndi Lauper

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 9, 2011


My Blog just reached 1000 views!!!

Happy Dance!!

Now, give me your opinions, input, review ideas, anything you would want to hear from my blog!

I'm up for suggestions :)

comments are acceptable and welcomed wholeheartedly :)

I'm on Facebook as well : NCLreview

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj...
The Gaga of rap :D

I love this woman :)
She is not only a beast with her lyrics, but she is also a good person for the most part. She doesn't take any shit from anyone, and deserves her sudden huge recognition. I first hear her when listening to Jeffree Star's Lollipop Luxury. I remember thinking omg she is ridiculous I LOVE her.

Now look where she is. She is one of the most featured artists currently in the music industry. Her songs are selling like crazy. Her debut album Pink Friday is breaking records left and right.


Check her out if you don't recognize her name.

Her fans are BARBZ and KENBARBZ.

It's fun at parties or clubs when you are dancing with people then she comes one because you can just freeze, make an odd "Nicki" face, and rap your little heart out. People are impressed when you know her lyrics word for word and can go as fast as she does in some songs.

Warning... easy to get tongue tied during her raps.

Song of the day currently stuck in my head: "Supertight" by: Jackie Q

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

Chelsea Lateley

The Comedians of Chelsea Lately Tour...
is friggin hilarious!

Definitely recommend going to see them!

Matt Braunger
Jen Kirkman
Sarah Colonna
Loni Love

Those are who we saw tonight.

Every one of those comedians had me laughing like a crazy person, but Loni Love took the night with her rendition of "U of MN's best picker upper." This competition included pick up lines, serenading, and sexy dancing.

I don't have much to say because i would never want to spoil the show but they are very good at catering to their audience. A lot of alcohol and partying jokes, along with some pregnancy ones. Everything that came out of their mouths was hilariously funny.

They live up to their status from Chelsea Handler's show :D


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October 8, 2011

Horrible Bosses

Horrible Bosses...
pretty good movie :)

Basic Plot: Three guys have horrible bosses who are helping to ruin their lives, so they decide to kill them. I won't tell u much else because of possible spoilers.

There were quite a few unexpected WTF! OMG! that's hilarious points. I would definately recommend renting this movie when it comes out.

I must say the highlight of the entire movies was the character of Dale. He was by far mine and my roommates' favorite character. (most memorable scene was when he was on coke and sang "That's Not My Name" by: the Ting Tings.)

If you are thinking about buying it though, I have some things you should take into consideration. Because a lot of the moments surprised you into laughing, it may not be as funny subsequent times watching it. However, if you just thought the jokes in general were rather hilarious go for it! I am always one to support the arts. They deserve our money if they can entertain us. I am not an illegal downloader of anything and do not condone it.

IMDB: Horrible Bosses

ps. who DOESN'T love Jennifer Aniston?! (Rachel <3)

Song stuck in my head of the day: "That's Not My Name" by: The Ting Tings 

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 7, 2011

Lady Gaga

Lady GaGa... aka  my GODDESS

I love this woman. If I was straight I would marry her. I know many people don't know whether they like her, some people love her, some people love her but not her music, some people love her music but not her theatrics, but she is a very good person.

The most recent example I can think of is her recent performance at iHeart Radio Music Festival. She dedicated a long, acoustic version of "Hair" to one of her fans, Jamey Rodemeyer. This child committed suicide because of bullying in his school. He was only 14 and he had just recently made an "It Gets Better" video where he says that Lady Gaga was the only reason he was still around. His final tweet was to Lady Gaga and it said "bye mother monster and thanks for all you have done. Paws Up Forever."
This is a like to the performance: HAIR

I am also a HUGE fan of her theatrics. One of her best performances ever (IMO) was her VMA performance of paparazzi. It was an intense and blood-filled performance of one of her most artistically amazing songs.

Look forward to the new Lifetime biopic about her life up to this point including her ingenious rise to the massive fame she has today. (we will see how much they mess up in this movie)

Her marketing squad (all part of the infamous HAUS OF GAGA) is one of the greatest marketing teams I have ever seen. Everything from her fashion to he presence is calculated both by (a large part) herself, and a group of people who she is very close to and treats like family. Nicola Formichetti is also a name to check out if you love Gaga's style.

Fun Trivia about one of her dancers: Mike Kanemura got his job as one of her lead dancers through a lot of determination to be a dancer for her when he heard of the open auditions in LA. He was out of the country at the time and had his manager keep calling and nagging until finally he got a private audition for when he got back because she had seen him on So You Think You Can Dance before. Talk about an amazing opportunity.

I'm sure I will write more on her throughout this blog as she is my favorite person/idol/musician/artist ever :) If you want to know anything about her just ask.

My Three favorite songs of hers (go buy the mp3's  only 99 cents what's the big deal?) are LoveGame, Bloody Mary, and Monster. :D

(yes if you are wondering, I DO prefer The Fame Monster edited, she released it like that for artistic reasons. The unedited version was released later and I prefer it edited the way she edited it. It's not like legitimately edited edited if that makes sense.)

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 6, 2011

Badger Balm

Badger Balms and other goods...
If you like organic products, you need to check out this company! They literally have the BEST balms, soaps, lip balms, and massage oils I have ever used.

I definitely recommend them. They show every product they put in all their products. It is a small family run business, so it's nice to support them because they should be bigger than they are.

Their products are not only good for the skin, but they all use some form of aromatherapy to help you with any issues you might have such as stress, headaches, sore muscles, tired feet, insomnia, bugs, rough skin, etc.

My two favorite of their body balms are the Sleep Balm (cured my insomnia), and Cheerful Mind Balm (best smelling by far). Their lip balms are the only lip balms i have found that do not cause me to break out around my mouth, so I now use them exclusively for all the types of products they have.

They may be developing a shampoo bar, and deodorant soon which would be very exciting!

I believe they are better than Burt's Bees, and even a few of my die hard Bees fan friends have switched over because Badger products are certified organic and generally better for your skin even thann Burt's Bees products. I will say Bees has good products, but Badger is better and I think they may be around the same price or slightly cheaper.

Look them up at or find them at a local health/organic foods store or Co-Op.

(the song of the day is in my last post in case you wanted to know)

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview


Rihanna (RhiRhi)...
Don't even get me started on this woman...
I don't like her anymore...
I could rant for days.. so please comment if you wanna argue <3 I love arguing.
I feel like she lost a lot of her raw talent she had from the "Pon De Replay" and "SOS" days...
I don't really like any of her new music, but they do seem to get stuck in your head...
I have not heard her newest song but everyone keeps telling me its amazing...
I don't believe them.
My weekend starts at 2pm today Be Jealous!

Song of the day stuck in my head: Cheers by: Rihanna (not necessarily recommended but extremely catchy) <3

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 5, 2011

Six Feet Under

was ... normal?
nothing exciting happened
I got paid :)
I worked at Subway :)

and now its bed time with six feet under check it out if you haven't already :D the character development in that show is the best i have ever seen :)
(look at previous post for song of the day)

Like us on Facebook: NCLreview


or not...

What is up with the new season? This is my review of Glee season 3 (so far).
There is nothing very exciting...
Yes, Darrin Criss is hot..
umm... that's it...
I LOVE Glee, but this season is lackluster and the story lines aren't grabbing me like they used to. They need to get it together or will i be seeing a cancellation in the near future? (like the Playboy Club?) Maybe the break until after the Superbowl will help the story lines get better.
One character I will always love though: BRITNEY <3

If you would like to request future reviews of anything dealing with pop culture or beauty aids, just leave a comment I'm happy to oblige :)

Song stuck in my head today: Government Hooker by: Lady GaGa 


Like us on Facebook: NCLreview

October 4, 2011


In the beginning....
I felt like blogging...
I have no focus right now...
Today was boring...
Watch for the daily "song stuck in my head" ...
I love life...
I'm gay...
I love YOU

(i promise my posts will get more interesting)

Daily Song Stuck in my Head: Game On (Symphonic Mix) by: District 78   GO LISTEN :D

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