January 6, 2012


I made a New Years Resolution..
or not...

Ok... I like the idea of resolutions made for the new year. I, myself, even make one every year. But we can't pretend we end up sticking to them for the entire year. I think the longest I lasted was a month (I get bored easily.)

I don't think they are pointless, because it makes us think what we actually would like to improve on, which is the first step. It's the actually doing stuff that everyone seems to have an issue with.

This year, I made a checklist of the 8 things I should do every day to have a better self-image, such as brushing and flossing and mouthwashing twice a day, my skin care regimen that I had been slacking on, actually getting dressed EVERY DAY, getting adequate sleep, etc...  I'm hoping being forced to look at this checklist every day right outside my bedroom door and every time I go to the bathroom will help, but with school coming who knows what parts I will keep and what ones I won't...

My question to you:  How do you plan to keep your resolutions this year, and just generally what are everyone's new years resolutions? :) I love the unique ideas some people have!

In honor of a late New Years blog post, HAPPY NEW YEARS LOVELIES! I hope your 2012 is awesome. Dance like nobody's looking, and if they are WHO CARES just put your paws up and claw their face if they judge <3

New Years song stuck in my head: Champagne Showers by: LMFAO

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  1. Ah, New Year's resolutions :) I decided not to make them anymore, until I read this article in the NY times yesterday:http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/08/sunday-review/new-years-resolutions-stick-when-willpower-is-reinforced.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2&ref=health
    Now I'm thinking I might make a few (last minute) resolutions and see what happens..

  2. That is a very good article :) I agree with most of it wholeheartedly and the number one is my point exactly... Making a resolution whether you keep it or not is better than not making one :)


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